A trip to the Farmers Market
I recently took a trip to the farmers market in Malone. It was not my first time there but it was my first time experiencing it the way it is now -- vibrant, fun, and full of energy.
At first glance, the entrance and view from the parking lot was exactly what I remembered. I will admit, I have not taken the time to stop in and do some summer shopping here in quite a few years -- that's going to change soon -- so let me back up a bit and tell you a little bit about my story with the farmers market.
I used to go to the market all of the time when I was younger. My grandmother loved it and went almost every Wednesday over the summer. I remember going with her when I was younger, and sometimes my grandfather would come along, too. This always meant stories about how he worked on a farm and what a normal day doing that was like. I loved those stories. We would often walk around, following closely behind my grandma while trying to stay out of trouble. Sometimes we picked up different vegetables and treated them like telephones, having conversation as we went from vendor to vendor. As the place has become more modern and so have I, this time I was walking around with my iPhone.
So back to the new look and feel part of the story. After I walked through the main entrance, I immediately felt a difference. The new wave of vendors and customers added to those who are veterans in this component of a Malone summer, making a bustling atmosphere of friendly smiles. They now have everything from vendors of locally-made ciders and wines, to handcrafted quilts with all of the fresh vegetables and baked goods that you can imagine sandwiched in between.
Vendors everywhere
As I was walking around enjoying the sunshine on what was a beautiful afternoon here in Malone, I continued to be surprised by the fun and inventive things I was finding. One vendor was selling a product I felt I definitely needed to pick up and purchase -- she had taken some older, worn down cowboy boots and turned them into planters with beautiful flower boquets in them. The neat idea was something everyone seemed to stop and check out, and she was enjoying telling the story of how it came about.
Another vendor had fresh vegetables from her garden -- bright red tomatoes were standing out from the other side of the market and I could not believe the size of them. I could not help but think of how my grandmother would take tomatoes home after shopping here and make fresh sandwiches for us to eat. The place was beaming with memories all around me.
The Amish community also brings some of their delicious, homemade bread and it's perfect for a summer sandwich. That means you can grab all of the right ingredients to take on a picnic to one of our parks, events, or campgrounds. Or grab some fresh lettuce from one of the local farmers, some homemade potato chips, a freshly baked tart, locally-crafted cider, a hand-sewn quilt to sit on, and hit the trails with your crew.
Love at first smell
I could not help be enchanted by a smell that reminded me of walking through the door of a bakery. I could not figure out where it was coming from, although, believe me, I certainly tried. As I reached the end of my visit, after having conversations with as many of the friendly vendors and guests that I could, I finally had that moment where I found where the lovely smell was coming from. Just before the end of the market sat a very friendly couple, who were delighting all of our noses with the scent of their freshly baked pastries. The options were endless, and the worst (best) part of it was I could not decide on just one to purchase. I walked away with not one, not two, but three items from that vendor alone. My strawberry pie was mouthwatering, the cherry turnovers were the perfect mixture of sweet and tart, and my favorite of them all was the apple fired pie. This is a single serve, handheld apple pie that is then deep fried and covered with sweet icing on all sides. Of course, all of those things are exaclty what I had been craving after a day of paddling on the lake.
I am so glad I took the time to come back to a place that held some of my fondest childhood memories. It is always exciting to see growth and modernization at attractions like this one. The food was wonderful, my belly was full, I met some fascinating people and had the chance to hear their stories, and made more memories like those I have shared with you. I think you should definitely come and make some memories like mine with your crew. The Malone farmers market is the perfect stop between activities when you stay with us. You surely do not want to miss it!
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