I'll take a whack at it
I feel as if golf is one of those sports that nobody but a select few have mastered. Speaking from a personal standpoint, my game could always get better and at the beginning of every season, I could definitely use a tune-up. If I'm being honest, it's more like the beginning of every week in my case, but that's OK because the Malone Golf Club has it covered. The pros there have your back and your swing.
The picture above features my friend William with whom I have golfed with on more than one occasion. Will is a good golfer and I knew that before this day of lessons, but I also knew that he hadn't been golfing in quite some time. He told me it had been a couple of years. I knew this was perfect because even though he's good already, a session with one of the pros will help get his swing ready to go. It just so happened that Will was preparing to play in a golf tournament next month. We started here at the warm up putting green right outside of the clubhouse. The green can be seen from the deck, where you can also eat outside.
Scott, one of the pros at the course, met us outside and we were ready to go from there. Putting is my favorite part of golf, so I joined in on a lesson as well. So there I was, taking my turn at getting some putting instructions while overhearing Will's portion of the lesson, which was helping my putting too. This reminded me that the Malone Golf Club also will do group lessons which is great for a group of friends who want to get together for some pointers. You never know what you might get out of listening in on the tips given to another member of your group.
Scott, our pro, was so helpful. He let us start by getting out there while he watched and analyzed on the side. After we were going for a while, he stopped over and gave us each some different instructions. For me, it was getting my feet farther apart to have a more stable base and better balance when putting. For Will, who seemed to need less help than I did, it was really just a simple adjustment in the way he was lining up his feet. After that, everything was sinking right into the cup. After we got more into the swing of things, it was time to take to the hitting range. Scott gave us a ride there.
Here at the range it was a similar format. Scott brought some equipment that he used for teaching, but for the most part he let Will take a few strokes while he watched, offering lots of words of encouragement and taking note of what was happening when Will was swinging. I was standing by admiring how well Will was doing, especially for not having played in a couple of years. When Scott was ready to talk pointers, he first started by showing Will some examples by doing it himself.
I have to admit, this was like watching Tiger Woods at the range. After being star struck for a little while, I was really impressed by Scott's approach to teaching us the game. He was using terms and comparisons that Will and I understood. He would let us get one step mastered before even mentioning another one in an attempt to keep us from getting confused. We both walked away from the lesson feeling great about the game of golf and wanting to play more and more (as if we didn't have that feeling already). It was a great experience that I plan to take advantage of more frequently.
The Malone Golf Club offers so much for an affordable experience. Make sure to stop by the 19th hole--the Grille Room upstairs--for a daily happy hour and discounted drinks to accompany the delicious food. After your lesson, take to the course to try out your new tips. The Pro Shop is full of great gear. If you forgot something or feel like shopping for some new equipment, this is the best place to do it. If you want to stay overnight, be sure to check out our other dining and lodging options as well. Come join us and take a whack at it for yourself!
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