From farm stands to outdoor gear shops, Malone shopping has it all. It's not everyone's cup of tea to spend hours on the slopes or snowmobile trails, but everyone can find something while shopping in Malone. A unique array of stores can help you find the perfect gift for someone special, or maybe even yourself!
Gear up for winter
IBC (International Border Company) is the place for, well, just about everything! From outdoor gear to family attire, sports equipment, home accessories, and more, this store has it all. Winter jackets? Check. Candles? Check. Weekly flyers with great sales? Check! Go for one specific item or browse the multi-level store for seasonal gear or a year-round favorite. It's no secret why IBC has such a loyal customer base. Good prices and high quality products can be found around every corner!
Antiques and so much more
Shopping at The Market Barn is a truly special experience, with over 80 different vendors offering antiques, furniture, arts and crafts, collectibles, and Adirondack items all in one building that is as unique as the products inside. It is entirely possible to spend an entire day perusing the vast collections here, so if you start to get hungry during your shopping, don't worry! There is a full-service deli on site that will surely quiet your growling stomach.
Perfect petals
If you find yourself missing the flora of spring and summer, you definitely want to stop by Fountain's Enchanted Florist. They specialize in floral arrangements for weddings, but the store also has a gift shop, complete with photo frames, candles, balsam pillows, and more! Whether you're shopping for your romantic partner, a friend who needs a pick-me-up, or someone who you just want to make smile, the expert floral designers will help you create something beautiful and memorable.
Good eats, local
Grocery shopping can be a drag, but who doesn't love shopping for specialty foods made locally? For the cheese lover, Meier's Artisan Cheese in Fort Covington is a must-stop. Stop and try some cheese curds and take home an artisan wedge (or several). For something a little sweeter, get some local maple syrup. Check out Martin's Country Store on Main in Brushton to browse their selection of local maple syrup, produce, and baked goods (to name a few things).
Got art?
For the artsy one in your shopping entourage, be sure to visit the Downtown Artist Cellar. Here, you'll find hand-made jewelry, pottery, photographs, paintings, and much more. And all from talented local artists! There is always a show on display in the gallery for your viewing pleasure. Stay tuned for gallery openings and celebrations. You might find yourself shopping here one day and returning again and again to see the ever-changing collection of art.
Shop around
Is that all that Malone has to offer for shopping? Of course not! There are many shops to visit, so book a room and make a weekend of shopping. When you're done, spend some time in nature or grab a bite to eat. You'll find there's a lot to see and do (and shop for) in Malone!
This week in ADK news:
Enjoy winter in Hamilton County
New lodge, historic inspiration
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